The first European settlers on St Lucia arrived in 1605 - they were 67 Englishmen who were forced to land there after missing their way to Guyana.
The Caribbean islands and the Antilles stretch like an arch from The Bahamas close to Venezuelan coasts, they represent the peaks of a big mountainous range that has been in the depths of the sea during millenniums. It extends about some 2,415 km from East to West and some 640 and 1,450 km from North to South. The Antilles were the first American land that Christopher Columbus stepped into on October 12, 1492, to be accurate, into the Guanahani island belonging to The Bahamas. The name of the sea derives from the Caribe people that lived in the area when the Spanish explorers arrived in the 15th century. The only genuine Caribe Indians are found in the island of Dominica. The Caribbean is nature itself, history and culture seen in all its spots, through its ancient tradition and its people's customs. The influence of the great civilizations that populated these lands are still perceptible, marked by the blend of races that expose the indigenous features where what is foreign paradoxically coexist as well as the acceptance of diverse identities that gather together, thus achieving a symbiosis between what is European and what is indigenous.Today the Caribbean means a great tourism attraction, marinas and beaches, which are widely known as part of the natural treasure largely cherished in these lands.Multidestination options are fully available as well as the possibility to be aboard a cruise ship as Costa Playa which lands in three Cuban ports, including the Bay of Havana after calling at Montego Bay and the Dominican Republic. Not to mention, the wide choice of offers and cultural activities.To the undoubtedly natural attractions, the different states and islands have added, an accommodation structure and services, at the level of international standards, as well as endless proposals, comprising almost all the modalities of contemporaneous tourism
The first European settlers on St Lucia arrived in 1605 - they were 67 Englishmen who were forced to land there after missing their way to Guyana.