This version of the French Republic National Symbol was created during the 4th Republic by a ministerial comission on june, 3, 1953.
The Marsellesa, was originally a revolutionary song of war and a himn of freedom, it progressivly became into national hymn. Today, it´s present in the most of official manifestations. The history on 1792, after the war declaration of the french King to Austria, a french officer who was in mission in Estrasburgo, Rouget de l'Isle, compose, in the night from April 25 to 26, at Dietrich´s place, mayor of the city. That song is adopted by the federates of Marsella who participate in the insurrection of the Tullerías, on august, 10, on the same year. It was so successfull, that it was declared national song on July, 14, 1795. Forbiden during the Impire and the Restauration, the Marsellesa is rehabilitated by the revolution on 1830, and Berlioz composes an orchestration dedicated to Rouget de l'Isle. The Third Republic (1879) proclaims it as national hymn, and on 1887 the Ministery of War, after having consulted a comission, adopts an "official version" of it. On september, 1944, a circular from National Ministery of Education recomends the Marsellesa to be sung in schools "in order to celebrate its freedom and remaind its martyrs". The constitutions of 1946 and 1958 (article 2) ratify it as the national hymn. The author, born on 1760 in Lons-le-Saunier, Claude-Joseph Rouget de l'Isle was captain of the Ingineers Corps, but his military carrear was pretty short. Moderate revolutionary, he gets save from the terror thanks to the success singing. Author of romance and some operas, he lives in the shadows during the Empire and the Restauratio, unti his death in Choisy-le-Roi on 1836. In few weeks, the "Himno de los Marselleses" is diffusse in Alsacia as handwriting or printed, and it is soon published by several french editors. The anonymous character of the first editions caused doubts about if Rouget de l'Isle, a mediocre composer as well, was actually the author of this hymn. There isn´t a unique version of the Marsellesa. Since the beginin, the music was set in different ways, with or without singing. That´s why, upon been declared as officila hymn on 1879 without specifing the the version, it could cause a huge musical disorder when there where different formations. The comission on 1887, integrated by professional musicians, determined an official version, after checking its melodic line and its harmonization. President Valéry Giscard d' Estaing wanted to return to a closer performance to its origins and set a slower time for it. Nowadays it´s performed during officilas ceremonies an adaptation of the 1887´s version. Parallelly, the Marsellesa has been adapted by different composers. The Marsellesa¡En marcha, hijos de la Patria, ha llegado el día de gloria! Contra nosotros, la tiranía alzasu sangriento pendón. (bis) ¿Oís en los campos el bramido de aquellos feroces soldados?¡Vienen hasta vosotros a degollar a vuestros hijos y vuestras compañeras! Estribillo¡A las armas, ciudadanos!¡Formad vuestros batallones! ¡Marchemos, marchemos!¡Que una sangre impura inunde nuestros surcos! ¿Qué pretende esa horda de esclavos, de traidores, de reyes conjurados? ¿Para quién son esas innobles cadenas, esos grilletes preparados de hace tiempo? (bis)Para nosotros, franceses ... ¡Ah! ¡Qué ultraje!¡Qué transportes debe suscitar! ¡A nosotros, se atreven a intentar reducirnos a la antigua servidumbre! ¡Cómo! ... ¿Cohortes extranjeras harían la ley en nuestros hogares?¡Cómo! ... ¿Esas falanges mercenarias abatirían a nuestros fieros guerreros?(bis)¡Dios santo! ¡Encadenadas por otras manos, nuestras frentes se inclinarían bajo el yugo!¡Unos déspotas viles serían los dueños de nuestros destinos!¡Temblad, tiranos! Y vosotros, pérfidos, oprobio de todos los partidos, ¡temblad! ¡Vuestros planes parricidas recibirán por fin su merecido! (bis) Todos son soldados para combatiros.¡Si nuestros jóvenes héroes caen, la tierra produce otros, listos para luchar contra vosotros!Franceses, asestad vuestros golpes o retenedlos, magnánimos guerreros: perdonad a esas víctimas tristes, que a su pesar se arman contra nosotros. (bis)¡Pero no a esos déspotas sanguinarios,esos cómplices de Bouillé,todos esos tigres que, despiadados, desgarran el seno de su madre! ¡Amor sagrado de la Patria, conduce y sostén nuestros brazos vengadores! ¡Libertad, Libertad amada, combate con tus defensores! (bis)¡Que la victoria, a tus voces viriles, acuda bajo nuestras banderas; que tus enemigos, al expirar,vean tu triunfo y nuestra gloria!Entraremos en el camino cuando nuestros mayores ya no estén aquí; encontraremos sus cenizas y la huella de sus virtudes. (bis) Menos deseosos de sobrevivirles que de compartir su tumba, tendremos el orgullo sublime de vengarlos o de seguirlos.