State located in the Southeast of Mexico in the North point of the Yucatan Peninsula. It limits to the North with the Golf of Mexico, to the West and Southwest with Campeche and to the East and Southeast with Quintana Roo.Its agriculture has faced big problems because to the mono harvesting of the sisal hemp, however nowadays it has diversified and corn beans, sugar cane, watermelon, sour lemon, and mango are cultivated. On the other hand cattle raising is represented by bovine, porcine, and equine cattle on the first place so as goatish, ovine, mule and asinine cattle on the second place. It has a forest surface constituted mainly by low and middling rainforests, swamps, and morass where precious woods and tropical streams are exploited.Its population is distributed among its 106 municipalities and 3,150 neighborhoods from which Merida is outstanding.It has a great dynamic tourism because of the existence of numerous ruins of the Mayan culture being the Chincén Itza the most visited.