The wealth of Barbados was founded on sugar cane, which was brought to the island from Brazil by the Dutch.
Curaçao is one of the most attractive islands in the Caribbean. It previously belonged to the Netherlands and nowadays it has become one of the multi-purpose destinations. It is a place full of nice surprises. This is a wonderful island, rich in natural wealth. It has a variety of first class hotels, from which 20 were built at the beach, with the style of the Antilles, and there you will find high levels of comfort and services, besides several commodities due to its location in the center of the capital, near to markets, stores, restaurants and entertainment centers. Williemstad, its capital, is a Historical Heritage of Humankind. The Submarine Park is one of the places for diving, known by the diversity of species, tropical fishes and coral lines. If visitors are interested on visiting this place for natural or archeological reasons, they will find the volcano formation to the west and south, which have around 80 million years and are rich in fauna and flora.
The wealth of Barbados was founded on sugar cane, which was brought to the island from Brazil by the Dutch.